Paid and False Witnesses in the United States Federal Courts, a true and shameful reality !
Protected by "Absolute Immunity", Federal Prosecutors shall lie, pay false witnesses, falsify evidence, and do whatever it takes to produce a "show" worthy of a conviction.
Absolute Prosecutorial Immunity
Absolute immunity is a form of legal immunity for government officials that confers total immunity from criminal prosecution and lawsuits so long as they are acting within the scope of their duties; thus, this definition is attached to how "Their Duties" are being defined? The absolute immunity is the lead, and perhaps the only factor causing the almost 100% conviction-rate in federal Conspiracy case. Here's an article by law scholars on Prosecutorial Absolute Immunity; yet better, here's an actual SDNY-Court Record of how the corrupt former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara claimed Prosecutorial immunity to disregard a Court Order in Richard Chichakli v. Preet Bharara United States Attorney SDNY case no. 15-Civ-4583 (WHP)
In law, the concept of
prosecutorial misconduct is "an illegal
act or failing to act, on the part of a
prosecutor, especially an attempt to sway
the jury to wrongly convict a defendant or
to impose a harsher than appropriate
punishment." It is similar to selective
prosecution. Ken Armstrong & Maurice Possley,
states in "Trial
& Error; How Prosecutors Sacrifice Justice
to Win; "The Verdict: Dishonor," CHI.
TRIB., Jan. 10, 1999, 1, at 1,
"With impunity, prosecutors across the country have
violated their oaths and the law, committing the worst kinds
of deception in the most serious of cases.
They have prosecuted black men, hiding evidence the
real killers were white. They have prosecuted a wife, hiding
evidence her husband committed suicide. They have
prosecuted parents, hiding evidence their daughter was killed
by wild dogs. They do it to win.
They do it because they won't get punished.
They have done it to defendants who came within hours
of being executed, only to be exonerated." Corruption of the Federal Courts;
although varies between districts, is indeed
the standard of business and the absolute
norm n the Federal District of Southern New
York. It is for that reason the
United States'
Gestapo known by
today's modern name of
the Special Operation Division "SOD"
prosecute 100% of its cases EXCLUSIVELY
at the SDNY where winning the alleged case
is absolutely Guaranteed. Federal Courts' Judges know very well
about the lies produced by the prosecutor,
and almost all of these government appointed
judges will spare no efforts to support the
lies told by their employer, the government,
and to conceal he truth. Here's an
undeniable example from the records of the
District Court of the Sothern District of
New York, Judge William Pauley's Court in
the matter of an alleged conspiracies to
violate IEEPA, Money laundering, and Wire
Fraud. This case was very important to
the United States government; thus, false
federal testimony was deployed, along with
falsified evidence, and paid civilian false
witness. here's the actual SOD internal
memo, and the records from the trial of
United States V. Richard Chichakli. The
false testimony of the federal witness , and
how that "dog and Pony show" was played: In he case above, a special formed US
Government gang of corrupt officials
recruited a convicted perjurer named Henry
Gayer to lies under oath in Judge Pauley's
court. DID Henry Gayer lie
deliberately? He SURELY did, and had that
arranged with the prosecutor in a SECRET
DEAL which remained secret to the Jury as
the corrupt judge decided to do so. Here are the document
that cannot be denied, first the liar's
testimony, then the knowledge by the
criminals government lawyers in the SDNY,
and finally, a copy of the sales contract of
that Indonesian airplane, signed by the
FALSE witness Henry Gayer, and which copy
was retained by the Prosecutor, the US
Attorney in the SDNY:
The BIGEST LIES are told by Federal
Agents, Police, and Paid informants...
Non-Federal & Police civilians are also
available to falsely testify
Oppression and Snitches
Clearly, it is such an easy task for the government to make anyone a party to any alleged conspiracy, and with that reality in hand, this is how the Conspiracy Law is being used in the United States as tool of oppression to force people into submission to the will of the government, and for dismantling any possible cohesion among people. Here how that works; let's ask What if an individual deemed a part of an alleged Conspiracy wants out...can such an individual withdraw from the Conspiracy? The government says, YES, sure can ... but here's how
Just as the law recognizes that a person can join an on-going conspiracy, the law also recognizes that an individual may withdraw from a Conspiracy prior to its completion. Withdrawal from a Conspiracy requires more than simply no longer participating. To withdraw from a Conspiracy, there are two basic requirements: First: the person must do some affirmative act inconsistent with the goals of the Conspiracy. Unless the co-conspirator can demonstrate that he quit the Conspiracy, his or her participation in the Conspiracy is presumed to continue. Second: the co-conspirator must do some affirmative act that is reasonably calculated to communicate to a fellow co-conspirator, or law enforcement, that he has withdrawn from the Conspiracy.
Meaning, you are forced to tell the government about others, you will spy and snitch on others, just as it was in the Soviet Union; or else, you are part of a "Conspiracy."
The Politics of Conspiracy Law
Oppression, Money, and Total Submission are derivative of the government ill-use of the U.S. Conspiracy Law